Much more convenient than trudging to and paying for classes) Yoga (my wife and I use an app as a virtual class a couple times a week. Controling homekit products through Siri Screen mirroring from iPhone/iPad when shared browsing Viewing our photos and albums on a big screen through iCloud library Watching all my paid subscriptions and live TV guide When I click on the redeem button it takes me to a seven day free signup Looks like the offer expired but the page is still up. The three month total was less cost than buying a new ATV 4 and you get three months of service. It was something like pay for three months of service and get an ATV 4 for free. Instead of buying a new Apple TV have you considered the ATT Apple TV offer? I don't know if it is still available. I also installed an app for viewing local files.īetween the options I cut off cable tv. Having a swipe option, dictation, and installable apps is nice. I installed the Kodi hack on the 2 version so I now have YouTube, MeTV, and local files for viewing.
I have one each of Apple TV versions 2, 3, and 4. The only question I have is whether I should save $50, i.e., whether a 32GB will suffice. This is the FIRST EVER Apple product purchase that I can recall where I am going, "meh." The 2nd Gen in the basement is getting long in the tooth (e.g., the YouTube app is gone), so I have to bite the bullet. I am going to finally get around to buying an AppleTV 4.